Lost but found – Rey Sagar Blog
Let’s get back to 2018 which is one of my favorite 4 months in my life. I think This blog is really special to me. Because I’m sharing my unconditional love with this place and the place which I love the most and I don’t think I’m going to make more beautiful memories and experiences in other places which I created here since my childhood.
I’ll be always grateful for everyone who became part of this journey & helps me to become a better person. This is the picture of me from the downside of my home, you can see my little home on the right side of the corner where I was looking at.

All the pictures that I’m sharing with you were taken by me. All the time I use timer mode on the camera which is 10 sec and It will automatically take 10 pictures and the speed is depending on the camera FPS(Frame Per Second). But the more difficult part of this process is I have to give a pose in 10 sec and I’ve to run fast as I could to be there where I already decided to snap the picture.
I don’t have any of the tripods to stand the camera so I need to put my camera on the ground but It’s painful because I won’t frame anything and the height is also very low to see the whole frame but I took a lot of pictures like that but one day I decided to make a homemade tripod which called DIY(Do it yourself) I guess and It doesn’t work as a professional tripod on the market but It gets the job done and I’m happy with that.
But believe me, It’s not reliable at all.👈😣😂😂
Once I drop my camera on the water in the river because of the unstable legs and It feels like I lost everything in a moment and my heartbeat goes higher and higher because that’s the only camera that I had and unfortunately I can’t afford the new one.
All the water goes on the camera body and on the lens. It took 5 days to recover it. first 4 days every time I turn on the camera it releases the shutter and stops working at that time I was like, I’m not gonna use that stupid tripod It breaks my heart.😂😃😄
I lost my autofocus of the lens as well but these types of things happen, right. we just need to focus on the goal, not the things which we did in the past, If you can Correct It, otherwise learn the lessons and move on.
This is the front view from my home, looks beautiful right, at least for me,😎😍Also the clouds looks perfect right!😜💭 Anyway, there is a Kali Gandaki River flowing downward which you can see in the picture and the Farm where I was walking on.

And this is the back view of my home looks like there is a swimming pool but it’s a pond. peoples use this to collect the water for the farming purpose which is important really important.

Thank you so much for reading this hope you learned something, please leave a comment, I truly appreciate your efforts.